Flexible Automated Emails for Holiday Homes
Key Takeaways
- Email Marketing builds strong guest relationships
- Strong guest relationships are important for attracting new and repeat guests
- Emails move viewers to bookers to guests to repeat guests to affiliates
- Automating emails can save you time
- Only send emails when it adds value to your guest
- Bookster have built new Email Marketing journeys to support you.

At Bookster we have dedicated Email Marketing tools to support you with your Guest Management. Building relationships with guests is key to growing your business, as it shows compassion, understanding, and openness.
Come take a look!

Bookster have created automated email journeys for you; completely adjustable and personalisable.
Automated Emails for Holiday Homes, now with added flexibility
Building relationships as part of managing your guests is important to growing the revenue and success of your self-catering business.
This article covers how flexible Automated Emails are a vital part of building relationships.
How strong relationships build self-catering businesses
Strong relationships with guests can help to:
- Attract bookings to your holiday lets
- Encourage potential guests to take the next step to book with you
- Give guests who have received quotes the confidence to reserve their stay
- Reduce cancellations from guests who have booked
- Ensure guests have the best experience during their stay
- Provide information about what to do during their stay
- Provide information on your local partners and providers
- Reduce and solve problems during the stay
- Encourage guests to return to you and book directly on your website
- Encourage guests to leave great guest reviews. (And here are some tips if you need to reframe a bad review)
- Encourage guests to recommend you to their friends, family, and contacts.
What does this mean?
Ultimately it means that your self-catering business can grow revenue and financial stability.
Email Marketing to build strong guest relationships
One way to build strong relationships is to use Email Marketing.
Sending emails to clients can really help give confidence.
And it's that confidence that will move your potential customers through the booking process:
- From viewers
- to bookers
- to guests
- to repeat guests
- to affiliates.
Automated Email Marketing to save time
Sending emails provides great opportunities for open conversation.
But once those bookings are coming in, finding time to create and send them manually quickly becomes unmanageable.
So what's the solution?
The solution is in technology. Technology will make email marketing work for you!
Automating emails means that you'll say exactly what you need to say, when you need to say it, for maximum effect with minimum effort.
Not convinced? Here are 10 reasons to use Email Marketing.
What to say in your Automated Emails?
Deciding what to say, and when to say it can be tricky. Check out these 4 essential guest email suggestions.
The key is to sit down and consider when your potential guests and bookers will benefit from hearing from you.
It's not about sending an automatic email for the sake of it.
It's about only sending an email when it will add value to your guests.
Make guest communication work for you with Bookster
In Bookster we offer two solutions within the Bookster holiday booking system which communicate with your guests.
Automated Notification Emails are sent automatically from Bookster to your guests at key moments. They direct the guest back to their personal Guest Area to make payments or gather important information.
Automated Email Marketing is a tool which sends emails automatically from your Email Marketing suite. It offers opportunities to send:
- One-off campaigns, eg a newsletter
- Automatic emails which are triggered by dates (eg a guest checks-in), or customer behaviour (eg a person makes a booking and joins your Booker list).
What's new with Email Marketing?
Bookster have created automated email journeys for you; completely adjustable and flexible:
- Your brand style, colours and logo
- Your messages
- Your images
- Your contact details
- Sent to guests with real email addresses, and guests who book through OTAs and channels
- and sent exactly when you want to send them.
Email marketing really is too powerful to ignore. If you need a hand to set up your email marketing, and want Automated Email journeys in your account, get in touch.