
We are committed to providing a service which respects and protects your privacy.

Manage holiday rentals the easier way

Organise bookings, take care of guests and grow your business.

Create great experiences. Let us show you how.

What do our holiday rental clients think?

Find out why our clients love working with us

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Property Management

Use a straightforward platform to manage daily tasks.

Tools to grow your business and reduce your workload.


Channel Manager

Promote properties across the major sites and manage them from one place.

Attract more guests, prevent double bookings and save time.


Your own website

Take bookings on your own beautiful and fast website.

Choose from a template website, a custom design or add booking to an existing website.

Graphic of overlapping circles - for you, for your team, for your owners and for your guests.

Experiences matter.

And this is at the heart of everything we do.

Our services are designed to improve the experiences for you, your team, your guests, and your owners. Let us show you how.

Try Bookster for free

We're here to help.

We believe your experiences matter. Try Bookster for free today.
- Robin, Managing Director

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