BooksterRevyoos Revyoos is a third party service that collates reviews from across the major booking websites and allows a property manager to present them in a single widget. We added the ability to paste in a Revyoos widget to your Bookster Instant Website. Bookster Custom Websites Bookster Custom Websites use the Joomla Content Management System (CMS) to provide the basic website structures and templating. We upgraded this hosted and maintained version of Joomla! to 4.4.3 for all of our Bookster Custom Website clients. iCal - add 'raw' variant Bookster can read-in and publish availability using the iCal standard format. We have added an additional, more semantic version of iCal feed. The 'raw' version of iCal feed will include bookings, Property Manager created blocks and 3rd party blocks. The data inside the iCal feed is categorised to help identify the source of the date block. This will be useful for consuming the feed programatically. Example 'raw' iCal output: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//Bookster Icals Booking Platform//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240410 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240412 CATEGORIES:Block,Automatic,LateBooking SUMMARY:Late Booking Block END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240412 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240413 CATEGORIES:Block,External SUMMARY:Block END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240404T185243Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240420 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240427 CATEGORIES:Booking URL: SUMMARY:Booking #257643 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240515 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240521 CATEGORIES:Block SUMMARY:Block END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Minor updates, performance improvements and Bug Fixes A whole variety of performance improvements to address slowdowns Bookster was experiencing periodically A number of changes to code syntax and structure in preparation for moving to PHP 8. Upgrade Bookster to use Zend Framework v1.24.0 Improve internal Slack support (reporting events in Bookster to Slack) to help the Bookster support team. To improve data integrity, we reduced the amount of personal information being shared with the Bookster Email Marketing service Ensure we have a correct sold out date when no future rate siblings exist Update to ensure that Bookster does not send an 'updated email' shortly after creation of a property Fix an issue where change emails were not sent when a channel payment was made

March 2024

Written by Robin Morris

Allow Bookster Instant website clients to add Revyoos widget.

No contracts. No setup fees. Top rated customer support.

Start with Bookster today

Alongside adding Revyoos support to Instant websites, we made a whole host of under the hood improvements and upgrades to Bookster.

... paste in a Revyoos widget to your Bookster Instant Website


Revyoos is a third party service that collates reviews from across the major booking websites and allows a property manager to present them in a single widget.

We added the ability to paste in a Revyoos widget to your Bookster Instant Website.

Bookster Custom Websites

Bookster Custom Websites use the Joomla Content Management System (CMS) to provide the basic website structures and templating.

We upgraded this hosted and maintained version of Joomla! to 4.4.3 for all of our Bookster Custom Website clients.

iCal - add 'raw' variant

Bookster can read-in and publish availability using the iCal standard format.

We have added an additional, more semantic version of iCal feed.

The 'raw' version of iCal feed will include bookings, Property Manager created blocks and 3rd party blocks.  The data inside the iCal feed is categorised to help identify the source of the date block.  This will be useful for consuming the feed programatically.

Example 'raw' iCal output:

PRODID:-//Bookster Icals Booking Platform//EN
SUMMARY:Late Booking Block
SUMMARY:Booking #257643

Minor updates, performance improvements and Bug Fixes

  • A whole variety of performance improvements to address slowdowns Bookster was experiencing periodically
  • A number of changes to code syntax and structure in preparation for moving to PHP 8.
  • Upgrade Bookster to use Zend Framework v1.24.0
  • Improve internal Slack support (reporting events in Bookster to Slack) to help the Bookster support team.
  • To improve data integrity, we reduced the amount of personal information being shared with the Bookster Email Marketing service
  • Ensure we have a correct sold out date when no future rate siblings exist
  • Update to ensure that Bookster does not send an 'updated email' shortly after creation of a property
  • Fix an issue where change emails were not sent when a channel payment was made