Promos & discounts

Add Promo Codes & Discounts

Attract guest bookings with offers & discounts.

Get started free…Book a Demo
Easy to use as the owner administrator, I can update it as often as I want.
I am able to use offers discounts which are great for my regular guests.
Southsea Caravans

Gordon Parker
Southsea Caravans

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Incentivise bookings - use promotional codes, discounted rates and long-stay discounts.

  • Attract repeat customers using Promotional Codes
  • Incentivise bookings with special offers
  • Attract longer stays with Long Stay Discounts
  • Add value for your guests with free or paid for additional services.

Designed to help…

Great for…

  • Marketing Manager
  • Pricing Manager

Quick overview
Available with





You can set this up yourself.

Learn more

No third party services required.

No additional costs.

What does it do?

Use promotional offers to add value to the services you provide your guests.

  • Create vouchers and unique discount codes
  • Offer free or additional cost items eg bottle of champagne on arrival
  • Provide fixed price or % discounts - per booking / per person
  • Provide a fixed discount or create multiple long stay discounts over different lengths of stay
  • Apply at all times and to all channels
  • Apply during specific periods (Bookster Pro & Max packages)
  • Apply to specific channels (Bookster Max package only)
  • Add notes for the cleaners so they are informed of any pre-arrival tasks required
  • Easy toggle on/off
  • Flexibly incorporate into Accountants Exports.


Additional cost?
Which plan is it available in?
  • Pro
  • Max
Does it require a 3rd party service?
How do I get it?
Look for 'Settings' Bookster - they can also be viewed in each property.
How many Long-Stay Discounts can I add?
As many as you want! Add them across different dates and lengths of stay.
How many Promotional Codes can I add?
As many as you want
For Promotional Codes, how is the % discount calculated?
You can choose between the total value of the booking OR Accommodation only

No setup fees. No contracts.

Try our features with a free trial today.
- Robin, Managing Director

Get started now