Flexible booking tools

Manage Vacation Rental Bookings

Store, search and work as a team with easy booking management.

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The constant improvements are making our life easier.
The Edinburgh Address

Davide Tedesco
The Edinburgh Address

graphic angled element

Use flexible tools to create, manage and adjust guest bookings.

  • Manage bookings taken via multiple sources (e.g. Airbnb or your own website)
  • Filter and search across 1000s of bookings instantly
  • Add bookings taken over the phone or in person
  • Export booking data to Excel
  • Access booking data via a JSON API

Keep your online booking calendar synced and instantly updated

Designed to help…

Great for…

  • Booking Administrator

Quick overview
Available with





You can set this up yourself.

No third party services required.

No additional costs.

What does it do?

Store all your bookings in an easy to access and manage place

  • Create bookings instantly
  • Filter and search across all your bookings
  • Instantly confirm the bookings
  • Add payments received
  • Automatically start the Guest Automations
  • Remove personal details from older bookings


Additional cost?
Which plan is it available in?
  • Lite
  • Pro
  • Max
Does it require a 3rd party service?
How do I get it?
You can set this up yourself.

No setup fees. No contracts.

Try our features with a free trial today.
- Robin, Managing Director

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