Guest area

Guest area

Provide guests a world-class experience to manage their booking.

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Make it easy to run your self catering business.
Edinburgh Self Catering Co.

Glenn Ford
Edinburgh Self Catering

graphic angled element

Provide excellent post-sales service to your guests. Provide information, receive booking payments and damage deposits in a secure log-in Guest Area.

  • Provide a professional service to your guests
  • Ensure your guests have all the pre- and post- arrival information - when they need it
  • Take payments conveniently and securely
  • Protect your property with secure access and dynamic content
  • Provide confidence to guests that they have booked all the extra services they need.

Designed to help…

Great for…

  • Booking Administrator

Quick overview
Available with





You can set this up yourself.

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No third party services required.

No additional costs.

What does it do?

A secure online area for guests to view their booking and property details and make payments.

  • Check-in and Check-out times and Parking information
  • Property directions and Map and Access information (Viewable at all times)
  • Access information, codes and photos (Limited access for your security)
  • Property guides - House rules, emergency services, How to guides, Wifi details, Safety info
  • Property Manager contact details
  • Party details - number of guests, guest names
  • Take payments and damage deposits
  • Full breakdown of Extras, Charges and Discounts
  • Display or Hide the Mandatory Charges in the Guest Area
  • Log-in from Email Notification links and from your Bookster website, using Manage My Booking.

How it works

Guest Area: Hide or Display your Charges, Discounts and Extra services

Learn how this feature works


Additional cost?
Which plan is it available in?
  • Free
  • Lite
  • Pro
  • Max
Does it require a 3rd party service?
How do I get it?
Inside Bookster, there is a link to the Guest Area from each Booking
How do guests access their Guest Area?
The first email sent to the Guest directs the Guest to visit the Guest area. Guests will be directed to the Guest Area to make payments and read the pre-arrival information.
Can I see a Guest Area for a booking?
In Bookster, find the Booking. There is a link to the Guest Area.
Does a guest always see the Access information?
Access instructions will be shown within 7 days of arrival. Access codes will be available within 3 days of arrival. Departure instructions shown during the stay. This information will not be visible after they check out of the property.
Can I provide access information before a Guest has fully paid?
Yes. Use the section 'Pre-Arrival' to show access information that you want to display to guests at all times.
Where can Guests log in to the Guest Area?

No setup fees. No contracts.

Try our features with a free trial today.
- Robin, Managing Director

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