The Have You Got Network
Key Takeaways
- Watch the recording with Deborah Labi and Anna Morris.
- The Have You Got Network can help you grow your direct bookings.
- Refer bookings that you cannot host yourself to ID verified property owners.
- Earn commission for your referrals, who make bookings through the network.
- Guests can book directly through
- This creates opportunity to work as a community with other likeminded owners.
Introducing The Have You Got Network?
Following on in our series on boosting bookings, Deborah Labi (Founder) and Anna Morris (Ambassador) share how they're helping to build a new concept to attract direct bookings using The Have You Got Network.
This enables you to find alternative accommodation for the guests you cannot host, in the ID Verified network of holiday home owners.
Would you like to be attractive to a new market?
Are you interested in a growing market of environmentally conscious guests for your holiday rental?
It's just, it is beneficial to be on there because there's so many potential avenues to get bookings and earn revenue.
Introducing: The Have You Got Network
Links from the event
- The Have You Got Network (For Property Owners and Managers)
- Have You Got (For guests seeking accommodation.
Deborah Labi (Founder) and Anna Morris (Ambassador) shared their ideas and passion for Have You Got.
Here's what we covered:
- What's the idea behind Have You Got?
- What happened between 2016 and 2024 with ‘Have You Got’?
- From a holiday home owners perspective, how would this help them?
- From the perspective of earning commission, how does that work?
- Do you have particular property types or locations where you are happy for people to join from?
- What does the ID verification process look like for an owner?
- What does it entail to be an Ambassador for Have You Got’?
- What should owners do to be an Ambassador?
- How should Owners find out more?
Hello. Today I'm talking with Deborah Labi, who is the founder of, have You Got, and Anna Morris, who's the founder of the Edinburgh Address and Adore Scotland, who is also an ambassador for, Have You Got, so let's start at the beginning, Deborah. What's the idea that is behind, Have You Got?
So the idea behind Have You Got, uh, came about after 10 years of typing, sorry, I can't help you to guest inquiries.
I started in the industry in 2006 and in 2016 I just got fed up that I was turning away so much business.
And, uh, back in Sydney where I was, uh, doing my management, uh, business, having my management business, um, I didn't know any other property managers, so I couldn't refer the guest anywhere.
And every time I typed, sorry, I can't help you, which I actually learned to touch type and I don't touch type, but I typed it so many times.
I just thought, you know, I'd really rather send this business to another property manager. I come from the book Direct Times, you know, when I first started it was all about direct bookings and it's been a passion of mine and I really thought, I really want this guest inquiry to go to another property manager rather than potentially this guest going to one of the OTAs.
And I figured there is no network. I don't know anyone here, so why not create the network that I could share my, my referrals to. Now, I also used to get asked if I had properties in Melbourne. No, and also once even New Zealand.
And then I thought if I'm gonna create, uh, a network in Sydney, then I should create a network in Melbourne and actually, I should create a network in New New Zealand.
And, and then I thought, what the hell? This is a global network. So if you look at it from the micro level, Have You Got is a local referral network. However, all of these networks are connected.
So it doesn't matter where your guest wants to go, you can help them through the network. And that's how it was born about helping a guest instead of turning the business away. You could help them. It doesn't matter where they were gonna go.
Okay, so you're saying this was born in 2016, did you say? But here we are, in 2024, what's happened in between with Have You Got?
Okay, so when I first came up with the idea, I designed it. I had developers in Scotland of all places, and it took a number of years to design it.
I used my own money and at the time, uh, I had limited knowledge of tech. I wasn't running around going to the conferences yet. I hadn't started to explain.
It wasn't even a thought. So with the tech knowledge that I had, which was negligible, and the developers that I had that didn't know about the holiday rental industry, it took a couple of years. But, you know, okay, I had a nice product at the end, a bit manual, but I had a product.
Uh, and then at the end of 2019, I thought, right, that's it, you know what, I'm gonna park my holiday rental business because now I have to give, Have You Got everything I can, because I did have property managers on, I had properties on there except they were scattered through the world.
And, uh, I thought, I've gotta give it everything.
And then Covid came along and I lost my property management business. So I pivoted and did a number of other things within the industry.
And it was at the end of last year, I was having a chat with a property manager after a conference. And she said, you know, you have to bring back, Have You Got, I'm turning away guests all the time.
And, and basically after the covid lull in travel and then it went boom, of course everyone might be turning away guests, so of course, yes. Have you got, should come back.
So, uh, that was at the end of last year. I found a really great developer.
And, uh, in a matter of months we managed to put together this fantastic platform, which is now automated.
So the first time around it wasn't automated, but this time around it's automated. Um, I haven't integrated with PMS yet, but that's just a little way down the line. But, uh, yeah, the, the, the beauty of this is now you, a property manager, can help a guest instead of turning them away.
They can help them by simply filling in a short form and fancy, they don't have to do anything more. If the guest books within the network, you earn a referral commission.
Yeah. Okay. So let's think about this from the holding home owner's perspective. Yeah. So can you tell me in more detail how that would work for them and how it would help them?
Absolutely. So let's say you've got, uh, repeat guests, you know, get messaging, you, Hey, I'd like to come back to so and so cottage for these dates. Is it free?
No, I'm sorry, it's not free. Actually, we're fully booked up. Or the water heater is gone in an apartment and you have to relocate the guest or someone's asking you, Hey, Have You Got a property in this particular area?
There's so many reasons why you might either wanna help the guest instead of turning them away, or you need to relocate a guest. So it's as simple as filling in a form.
And I'm gonna share my screen and I'll show you the very simple form to fill.
The form is located on the Have You Got network platform, it's located up here. There's also an app you can download. You can download it onto your phone. It'll, it's just a web app.
So you can always keep this form handy at all times. And even, you know, your reservation staff, all of your staff, whoever might be dealing with inquiries, all they need to know is what your, Have You Got email account is.
So you simply put in the guest names. And a lot of people already use WhatsApp or Facebook, Facebook groups. And this is the same.
You still have to put in the guest details, but after that you don't have to do anything. So you put in the guest, uh, you know the name, the email address, how many bedrooms if they want sep uh, a certain number of separate beds.
You are gonna go on holiday to visit Daniela, I've decided you're gonna go to Malaga. I've picked the dates for you. This is where your budget comes into play.
And if we, if we, uh, want to actually, if we are dealing with, uh, luxury villas, as long as you leave this, on the end here at the end, it will give you the unlimited budget. Uh, you are coming from Great Britain or you're coming from, uh, Scotland.
You might wanna see the search in pounds 'cause you've got your budget in your head, so you wanna see it in pounds. And then I put in my, um, email address and all you have to do then is hit submit. There we go.
Now the guest, Kelly Odor is going to get an email in the next seconds or so with a link. You are going to read out the email when you get it.
Okay, I've got it. Woo. That's It. Dear Kelly, the details of your upcoming trip, were recently shared with the Have You Got Network by Deborah Lab and we have some great news for you.
We have got properties that could be just what you're looking for. Simply click onto the link to review them.
We hope you're able to find your ideal property for this trip. Thanks, Kelly from Deborah and the Have You Got team, and then there is a button with show results.
Okay, so I'll share the screen again and I'll show you what that result page will look like. So this is basically where the link will take you.
It's got the search already filled in. It's telling us that for these dates in this location, there are eight properties available. And basically it's exactly like a listing site.
You can see the properties and if you wanna click on a link, you can see the photos, the gallery, you can read the descriptions, things like that.
And there's also all the amenities, the reviews, the location and things like that. And then also, you know, the house rules check in, time cancellation policies.
So what happens then if you decide on one of them is, oh, this is a really cool one, this is how much you have to pay to book it. So this is basically your booking fee.
And then what happens is when this gets paid, you go through the process, you know, the billing information, et cetera, et cetera.
As soon as it's been paid, an email goes to the property manager with all the guest details, all the stay details cost, everything. And they also get a WhatsApp message.
So they have it on their phone. Hey, you've just got a booking via email.
Now, once I have the PMS integration, that booking will go directly into the PMS and block the dates. Now, I was never one really that liked instant bookings.
I learned to accept it later on. But in terms of this being an instant book, uh, I took that into account.
And if a property manager looks at the guest or you know, does their guest verification or, and doesn't like the guest, the guest is not a good fit for this property, the manager can cancel without any penalty.
They just have to include Have You Got myself in the guest communication to tell the guest that I'm sorry it's not a good fit.
Or maybe the property got booked in the one second before they paid their deposit and there's no penalty to the manager and the guest gets a full refund of their booking fee.
So it's just a really simple job, uh, a simple process for the property manager is just filling in the form. They get notified actually. So if you book that property, I will get notified that a guest that I referred booked.
So then I know the full circle has been completed. And if you get an email that's like, we don't have any, any properties, you can just maybe change your search, uh, criteria. I'll get notified too that you didn't find anything so I could follow up with the guest too.
So it's all about giving the guests a service where they feel really looked after and they don't have to search anymore.
And the, the big, big thing about Have You Got is that all the property managers on Have You Got are ID verified. So as a property manager, you can feel confident to share this guest into the network.
And uh, with the marketing, the guest can be confident to book within the network because all the properties exist, all the property managers are real.
So that's, uh, another thing about Have You Got, that's actually a really unique feature. Everyone is ID verified.
Yeah. Okay. So from the perspective of earning commission, how does that work within the, for a property owner?
Yeah. Okay. So you've made the referral and the guest has booked, I took that booking fee.
So, uh, 5% of that booking fee, the booking fee is 12.5%.
5% goes to the referrer. So that's the referral fee.
I don't have to chase any money or anything. I've got it when the guest books, the referrer gets their commission paid into their bank account or their PayPal, whatever they would like to, uh, get, get their payment.
And it is paid at the end of the check-in month. So anything can happen between booking and arriving. So, you know, it could be cancellations or okay, once the guest has arrived, boom, this booking has happened.
At the end of the month you get your referral commission and hopefully in between you might have had a few other referrals going through the system.
So at the end of the month, you get paid for all the referrals that arrive during that month. Okay. And with the booking, the, the, the manager that got the booking, they get all the guest details and they run with it.
They take the payment according to their payment terms. They're the merchant of record, it is their booking.
Yeah. Okay. That's really interesting. So kind of moving on from the owner's perspective and more onto the guest perspective, how is it that a guest would interact with, Have You Got if they hadn't been referred to by a property owner?
So there is Have You, which is the website.
So if you think about it, we've got all these property managers sharing their properties, we've got all this inventory, well, why not open up this inventory to the public so the public can come directly to this ID verified network. So, and we have, you got, there are two websites.
There's Have You, which is where the public can come in and have a look at all the properties and book with an ID verified property manager or there's the Have You Got Network, which is the manager website, which explains how it works.
It's got the share inquiry form, it's got the app if you wanna download it. I didn't really wanna be explaining all of that to the public.
You know, so there's two separate websites. So with Have You, you can see all the, uh, all the properties.
There are also, uh, the travel series, which are blogs, blog posts, I hate the word blogs, but they're blogs about, um, all things, you know, things to the top restaurants, restaurants with you, family friendly things to do, um, all these sorts of things or all the destinations and Have You Got so far. I mean, it'll just, it'll keep growing.
And I've also created travel logs, which are audio story blogs around the history of these places too.
So through the traffic, through the blogs, eventually when it starts to pick up and the audio through the podcast pages, then traffic will come to Have You
So managers can either earn revenue from referrals, they can get bookings from referrals, and they can get bookings from the public. It's very new, so there's not a lot of public traffic, but you know, it'll take time for Google.
Google is still clocking the old have you com. I've gotta, I've gotta get someone a Google expert to help me get these new pages indexed.
But um, mmhmm, it'll all take a bit, a little bit of time, but in the meantime we can all be referring, adding properties to Have You and start referring and giving each other bookings. So do you have particular types of properties or particular locations where you are happy for people to join from? Or is it more widespread?
What's your, right now it'll be really nice to grow the destinations that are already on Have You Got however mmHmm. Even if you have a handful, it's just, it just takes one person to break the ice in one destination and then we can start saying, right, this destination is now on. Have you got a map? Are there other property managers that want to start as well?
So it just takes one person to get to the destination live. And you never know, someone from the public might wanna go to Devon or Lisbon and hey, there are some properties there. Not a lot, but it's a start.
Anyone can put on their properties anywhere. As long as the properties keep coming in, then the network will only grow and then other property managers will have more confidence to put their properties on because yeah, you look, there are other properties on there and I may get referrals.
Some people say, oh, but, but I never, I never turn away guests. You know, I've got so many properties. Yeah, great, but you know what other people don't and other people might be turning away, turning away guests so you could get bookings.
MmHmm. So, you know, it's a win win. It's just, it is beneficial to be on there because there's so many potential avenues to get bookings and earn revenue. MmHmm.
And I suppose it's an alternative to using some of the, you know, the bigger channels, the Airbnb and the, you're competing in a different way and it's almost like direct booking to some degree, but there is the kind of channel side of it as well. Yeah.
The way I look at it is, I love direct bookings and then look, there's direct bookings and then there's OTAs in terms of control.
You have full control and OTAs Control U this sits here, you have full control. You still do have to actually know my thing. The property managers don't pay any commission on their bookings. But the thing is, some people say no, it's only a direct booking.
If the guest came directly to me, uh, my definition of a direct booking is you have complete control of the booking. It doesn't matter that someone gave it to you and you're not actually on, Have You Got, you're not paying for it.
So it is a direct booking. Um, but uh, you know, the idea is that I want everyone to get direct bookings. 'cause it's by having so many direct bookings that you might be turning away a guest and here is the, here is the cushion for you to help those guests.
And ideally the end goal is to have property managers that are, are in this sort of mindset to be sharing. And then the guest gets caught in the, Have You Got loop?
You know, if you go to one property manager and you're having a great time and they can't help you, oh, but I'm part of a network, someone else can, and everyone is, you know, professional, everyone is real. Why would they go back to an OTA and take the risk?
MmHmm, exactly. See the ID verification that you're talking about, how does that work? What's that process look like for an owner or manager?
So back the first time around I was, uh, I was looking at, uh, you know the verification for banks and things like that. And then this time around I was thinking, okay, how do I verify everyone? I started looking through the old, old emails and then I thought, what am I doing?
We had verification in the industry. Oh my God. He said, of course I get on, I get in touch with auto hosts.
I said, Hey, you are verifying guests. Can you verify managers? So I've been working with auto hosts. They've given me a little boost along, they're one of my founding partners.
And so the great thing about this is that if you are considering using a guest verification platform, all managers actually have to go through the auto host verification process.
And it is actually quite simple. It's just, you know, the usual one with your ID, take a selfie and you get verified. What I'm finding actually is that their verification is really sensitive.
So everyone is putting like, you know, John Citizen as their name on their, Have You Got account except their, their driver's licence will say John Paul citizen, and then all of a sudden I'll get flagged name mismatch. It's like, oh God, this is really thorough.
So, uh, yeah, but I know it's, it's a step that you don't normally have to take when you're putting your properties on a listing site. But this step is worth it. It's worth that extra minute or two, pull your driver's licence out, take a selfie, wait for the verification.
Because sometimes I have to approve it. If you have a driver's licence and your name on the account is, is not, doesn't match. But it's mmHmm.
Because advertising it that it's an ID or sharing it even, um, with your own guests that it's an ID verified network. It's very valuable.
MmHmm. Yeah. Yeah.
It's a huge confidence I think in particular for property owners. If they're going to be sharing something like the fact that they've got a guest who's come to them and they're, they need to have that confidence that the people they're sharing it with are gonna be decent, respectful and so on.
Because otherwise that's gonna have a negative impact on their own business as well. 'cause they've gone and recommended it. So I think yeah, it's a huge win. Yeah. Yeah.
And, and one more thing that just reminded me of some of the feedback that I got, some of the pushback that I got from some managers, it's like, first of all it's, I don't wanna share with my guest. If I share my guest, I've lost the guest. Mm. You've lost the guest. If you turn them away, you've lost.
But if you can say, Hey, I can't help you this time, but I am part of an ID verified network, can I share your details?
And you'll get an, you'll get an email in your inbox in seconds with all the available properties from my network. Yeah, great. Okay.
Um, so there was that one, and now I've lost my track of thought…
Whether you've lost the guest You've lost.
Oh, that's right.
So other managers will say, yeah, but how do I know what property they book? The property might not be as good as mine if you turn a guest away or you have no idea what the guest is gonna book, you have no say in it.
So at the end of the day, the guest gets a bunch of listings and they make their decision. They look at the photos, they read the reviews, just like anything else.
So I really think that you have to have the confidence in your guests when you turn them away, that they're gonna make the right decision or the property that they book based on budget, based on location, whatever it is. Yeah. MmHmm.
Yeah, I think it's an opportunity to build a relationship with the guest and alright that guest might not stay with you, but you've still got that relationship and hopefully that could lead to something in the future as well. So Absolutely.
And this is about everyone building relationships with their guests.
And the other thing that I haven't mentioned yet is later down the line in 2025, all the users of Have You Got will get weekly or fortnightly, um, educational emails because the idea is I want everyone to be up to speed on how do you get more bookings? How do you get more guests to find you? How do you get more traffic to your website? How do you make the guests fall in love with you?
Because this network is gonna be all about caring for that guest, that guest is gonna feel cared for and secure within this network. And that is the end goal.
Okay. That actually leads me on, I think, to some of the work that Anna might be involved in.
So Anna, I'm really sorry you're sitting there very patiently. Um, but I know that you are an ambassador for, have he got, what does that mean? What does it entail?
Yeah, well, I mean, I think for me, I was really excited when Deborah asked if I'd be interested in becoming involved because I, I remember Deborah mentioning, Have You Got a few years back?
And I just thought, what a great idea. Um, just that for me, it's the community aspect, the network.
And like Deborah, I a really big fan of direct bookings and trying to keep those guests, keep them, you know, we don't want what's gonna happen if you, if you can't, um, take a booking and, and help that guest, they will, they'll go out there and an OTA will be snapping them up. So it's, it feels like it's a win-win, um, for me.
But I really, I I, I'm excited about being part of this and it, for me, it's only just spreading the word. It's encouraging people to sign up. It's, um, raising awareness.
Um, and hopefully we're gonna have some meetups as well. Um, again, it's that community feel.
So it's about, you know, all of us as property managers engaging with each other, and working together.
So yeah, I mean, what's not to love about it really. Yeah. The idea of having meetups and being able to meet other property managers in the area that you're then gonna be able to refer your guests onto.
That sounds amazing. That's a real community feel to it.
Definitely, definitely. And something that I've, um, you know, found over the years is, is our sector.
We are a community and we do meet up and we're this big family, and it, it genuinely happens. And I think some people look at why do you keep going to those conferences?
Do you, I go to them because you're building relationships, you are learning new things and you know, you never know what can happen when you meet people, and especially people in our sector, we're so entrepreneurial. We're so, we're always thinking out, you know, about things.
And obviously for Deborah, this amazing idea, and I, I mean I am even for me, like the potential of referring guests to, we get people that say, oh, we love what you do here in Scotland, here in Edinburgh. Do you have, um, people in London that you can purchase? I'm thinking that it's gonna be super exciting when we have London properties on board.
Uh, you know, really is, and it's, we're we're a global industry, but guests do ask us when they find, when they find owners or property managers that they trust, then they're gonna ask you, you know, do you know anyone else who else could?
And then the fact that Have You Got now facilitates this, you know, and it's, it's quite seamless as you saw earlier. It really is.
So, And this is the thing you can refer a guest to anywhere in the network. So you could even have a button on your website that says, are you looking to go to London or to pa well we haven't got Paris yet, but you know, you could have a, a number of regular destinations that your guest might talk about or might ask you if you are thinking we can help you, you can have a button and you can actually use your personal referral link on that button.
And that means that the guest will go to Have You, you explained that I'm part of a network.
They go, if they book, you get a referral and you don't have to do anything except have a button on your website.
And then the other way you could use your referral, uh, code link is as a popup, if someone is leaving your website, you can have a popup say, oh, you didn't find what you're looking for.
You know, I'm part of a network, maybe someone else in my network, blah, blah, blah. And have your referral link there too.
So there are a number of ways to help guests, but I was talking to the new ambassador in Highlands, Scotland's really coming, coming together. Thank you.
Um, she was also saying, I asked her about, okay, is there a lot of traffic between Scotland and London? And she said, oh yes. So, you know, wherever there's a regular route, this is definitely something I wanna work on building two big networks at either end. And same with South Africa.
Uh, I've got the Dolphin coast on the east coast of South Africa, but we were talking about getting Cape Town and Johannesburg connecting up in a triangle because this is also a very travelled route.
So breaking into these areas when I don't know any property managers or everyone's busy, it's tricky, but it'll get there.
Yeah. So if somebody wanted to be an ambassador, then yeah, what would they need to do? Do they need to do something special in particular?
Uh, no. If you go to Have You, scroll to the footer, there is a form there says be, become an ambassador.
And the only thing that I would want to know about an ambassador is are they connected? Are they involved with an association? Uh, do they know other property managers?
Because the idea is you are an ambassador because you know other people and you can talk about Have You Got to grow your network there? And, and, and that's what I'm looking for in an ambassador.
And I think those people already fulfil that role. You know, that's natural for them anyway, because if they're involved in associations, then yes. Yeah, I wanna, I wanna help spread this word.
They get it. So, um, I had two people approach me to be ambassadors and uh, it was perfect, perfect fit.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm actually just thinking how perfect a fit Anna is because I remember when Anna came home from the conference before Covid and told me about you, and I hadn't met you at that point, and she told me about this project, it was like, you know, you were so excited back then and now you're an ambassador. It kind of feels like the full circle has happened.
Yeah, yeah. And I, and I think as well, it's a genuine network that's been built, you know, it really is. It's not, you know, it's not a site you just blurb, it's all blurb, but this, this is real and it feels real, you know, genuinely.
So I think that's what's exciting about it as well. Um, and, and, and also 'cause the fact that, you know, you can earn a bit of money.
The, the, the property, you know, referring there is a little bit of, and why not? You know, we all work so hard. Um, yeah, I think it's great.
You know, uh, Daniela Derin, she, she did a post on LinkedIn about Have You Got, and basically she was the nutshell of what she was saying was that this is a hospitality community, you know, we are in hospitality.
This is going to be a community as opposed to the corporate monsters around us.
So, you know, they're, they're sort of faithless, whereas Have You Got has faces, you'll see on the homepage you'll see the founder and ambassadors there are faces and, and part of my presentations recently has all been about giving your brand a face.
The guest will trust you if they can see your face. So this is really Have You Got is all gonna be about showing your face and building trust and growing a really nice network.
Okay, so if somebody here is interested in getting in touch or just finding out more, what would be the best approach for them?
Okay, if you want to find out more about why you should come on to Have You Got and how it all works, you can go to the Have You Got network, that's the manager site and if you wanna see what the guests see and if you wanna log in and create your account that's on, Have You
And I would highly recommend, because I absolutely love them, highly recommend listening to the travel logs. Get on there and scroll down, listen to the travel logs.
I love them. And uh, uh, I'll be frantically making some more next week travel logs and more blogs because there's destinations popping up every day now.
So it's like a, I better get my act together, hurry up, get some more blogs and travel logs out.
So, uh, yeah, Have You and if, if you forget the other one, go to Have You right down to the footer and say, uh, you know, there's a manager link down there.
Okay. And Anna, if somebody across Scotland would like to get in touch with you,
Anna: Absolutely, um, email me at Anna Morris at the edinburgh address com or phone me my number. We can put that in the end. This or WhatsApp me.
But I'm happy to talk to anyone through it. Um, run them through it a little bit.
And it's really easy as well to get your properties verified. Um, it, it, you know, sometimes you're, oh, I have to do that.
Actually. It took just a few minutes. Um, and again, I think that part is so important, um, for guests to, for that trust, trust part.
But yeah, and it's really easy to become involved, but please do if anyone's in Edinburgh or Scotland, give a shout and I'll talk you through it.
Great. Amazing. Is there anything else that you'd like to mention now before we finish?
No, I, I, I think what I would like to say is if there is anyone out there already sharing referrals amongst themselves on WhatsApp, this is a far more professional way to share those guests. A will take you less time, you'll be there typing away on WhatsApp, someone responds and then you, it just takes too long.
This is just simply filling in a form and your and your guest is gonna see a nice landing page, see all the properties very easily, and book very easily. It's a couple of clicks, put their filling address and it's done. So I, I think if you have a referral network already, then just take a look.
Like Anna said, it doesn't take long to get verified and it doesn't take long to get your properties on at all. And there is a subscription fee, but I've, um, removed the fee for not removing it.
You have a free year if you sign up before July 31st, you have a free year. Now the regular fee is five US dollars a month or ten US dollars a month.
If you like me, You'll see on the subscription page what, what's the difference? It's only a slight difference, but I've been very touched with someone, a few people have paid the, have, have clicked the $10 a month one. I was like, wow, that's nice.
Um, you do get a free year and that's just while we build the network, you can earn some money, you can see how easy it is. And uh, and plus you'll get those educational emails later on this year too.
So it's like a built-in course as well. Um, so yes, one year free if you sign up before July st.
Fantastic. Okay, well thank you so much for your time, Deborah, and saying to you as well, Anna, I really appreciate it, loved finding out more and I look forward to speaking to you again.
Thank you very much. Thanks.
Have You Got is a new concept from Deborah Labi, to share direct bookings amongst an ID verified network of holiday home owners and managers.